Elon Musk’s OpenAI Investment: $100M to $50M – Receipts Inside

Elon Musk's OpenAI Investment: $100M to $50M - Receipts Inside

Elon Musk criticizes OpenAI’s for-profit transition and lack of transparency after donating $100M to the non-profit organization. In a recent CNBC interview, Musk questioned how a non-profit could turn into a for-profit, closed-source company, and compared it to funding an organization to save the Amazon rainforest, only to see it become a lumber company. He also expressed confusion about the amount of support he gave to OpenAI and its current market cap of $30B.

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Elon Musk's OpenAI Investment: $100M to $50M - Receipts Inside
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Elon Musk's OpenAI Investment: $100M to $50M - Receipts Inside
Elon Musk criticizes OpenAI's for-profit transition and lack of transparency after donating $100M to the non-profit organization.
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