Swiss Radio’s AI-Generated Content Engages Users for a Day

Swiss Radio's AI-Generated Content Engages Users for a Day

On April 27, 2023, Couleur 3, a French-language radio station in Switzerland, experimented with using AI-generated voices for an entire day of programming. Respeecher’s voice cloning software was used to create the voices of five presenters, and they read news and aired music that was entirely produced by computers. ChatGPT, along with other AI algorithms, was used to generate material for the AI voices to speak. This bold move shows the increasing use of AI in the media industry and its potential to shape the future of content creation.

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Swiss Radio's AI-Generated Content Engages Users for a Day
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Swiss Radio's AI-Generated Content Engages Users for a Day
On April 27, 2023, Couleur 3, a French-language radio station in Switzerland, experimented with using AI-generated voices for an entire day of programming.
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Interesting Engineering
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